jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

Billy Elliot (10/12) Movie CLIP - What Dancing Feels Like (2000) HD

“Inside every one of us is a special talent waiting to come out. The trick is finding it.” 

Billy Elliot is a story about a young boy trying to express himself in difficult circumstances. There is a scene in the film where he tries to dance through a wall…and that’s what it is like for him. He wants to get out of his narrow world and fly 

Discussion Topics:

- Family relationships

- Identity / Self-identity

- How does Billy's struggle parallel, or contrast with, the struggle of the striking miners? 

What does the film suggest about the relative loyalties towards one's community, family and self? 

How do you think this film portrays working-class communities? What does the film suggest the only way of escape is? 

Does our culture encourage us to be ourselves?

Historical Backgrounds

Plot Summary 

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