domingo, 26 de enero de 2014


1. What do you know about Art?

2. How many types of Art do you know?

Find the answers to these questions HERE

How to describe a picture: Watch these videos


1. Who painted these pictures?
2. Where can you see them?
3. Describe these paintings:

The KissStarry Night by Van Gogh
Birth of Venus           Click!     

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray, which was written by Oscar Wilde, is the novel we have to read this term.

Before Reading Activities:

1. What do you know about Oscar Wilde? 

 Search information about his life and works here  

Now try to answer these questions:

a When was Oscar Wilde born?

b Who was Constance Lloyd?

c Who was Lord Alfred Douglas?

d How long did Wilde spend in prison?

e Where did he spend the last years of his life?

f When did he die?

2. What do you think is the story about?

After Reading Activities

a.  Who are the main characters?

b. What kind of relationship do they have?

c. What changes does Dorian have in the novel?

domingo, 12 de enero de 2014

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen      

  This term, we are going to read the novel Pride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen in 1813.  

The novel tells us the story of the Bennet Family in the 19th-century British society.

Before Reading Activities:

- What do you know about Jane Austen? Find information here

- Jane Austen Biography

- Women's Role in 19th Century

After Reading Activities:

1. Who are the main characters?

2. What do female characters feel or think about marriage?

3. Which character in the novel represents "Pride" and which one represents "Prejudice". Find examples of pride and prejudice in the novel.

4. Which means of communication do people use in the novel? Which ways  do we use  to communicate to each other nowadays?

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014


As you already know, there are different ways to express Future in English:

- With Present Simple:  "The flight to London leaves at 10 am"

- With Present Continuous:  "I'm having dinner with my friend tonight"

- With BE GOING TO + Infinitive: "Peter is going to buy a new mobile phone"

- With WILL + Bare Infinitive: "The temperatures will drop tomorrow in the whole country"

- With WILL + BE + V-ing: "By this time tomorrow, I will be sleeping"

- With WILL + Perfect Infinitive  (WILL + HAVE + V-Pp):  "By the end of next week, I will have learnt the Future in English"

Do you need more practice? Click on Ways of Expressing the Future in English

Songs that include Future Tense

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014


Last year we started watching the film Philadelphia, or we may have already seen it in some groups, and here you can find information about the main characters, plot, vocabulary and questions on the film that can help you write the film review and talk about the topics on the film.

Click on: Philadelphia

Now click on  Crime and Punishment