martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Types of Newspaper Articles

  • A local news article focuses on what's going on in your neighbourhood. An example of a local news story would be an article on a city council meeting.

  • A national news article focuses on what's happening in the country. An example of a national news article would be an article on the Canadian government passing a new bill.

  • An international news article focuses on news that's happening outside the country. A story on an influenza outbreak in China would be considered an international news story.

  • A feature article is an article that is about "softer" news. A feature may be a profile of a person who does a lot of volunteer work in the community or a movie preview. Feature articles are not considered news stories.

  • An editorial is an article that contains the writer's opinion. Editorials are usually run all together on a specific page of the paper and focus on current events. Editorials are not considered news stories.

  • A column is an article written by the same person on a regular basis. A columnist (the writer of the column) writes about subjects of interest to him/her, current events or community happenings. Columns are not considered news stories.

There are certain aspects that characterize a newspaper article. These distinguishing features need to be considered before writing about a topic in order to have a well structured article.

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